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Chrome Plating
The Braude sales team were approached by a customer in London, who were looking for a Chrome Plating Tank complete with heaters and control systems.
The customer is into high-precision hard chrome plating. For this project the temperature control was very critical.
After a series of calculations and compatibility test, the Braude team proposed a brand new tank, two of Braude's signature corrosion-proof Polaris Popular Teflon Heaters, Braude Thermaster Temperature Controller and a custom made wall-mounted Control Panel.
Hard chrome plating on small parts, using a highly corrosive chrome plating solution.
Technical Data:
1 off PVC coated metal tank with extraction hood
2 off 3kW Polaris Popular Teflon Heaters with plugs
1 off Thermaster Temperature Controller
1 off wall-mounted Control Panel

The Braude range of thermal equipment is specifically designed for individual processes and includes; electric tank heaters, heat exchangers, pumps, controllers and a range of accessories.